VLN #3 - New Car


Seize The Day - Racing - 2014

RPR Racing to start VLN 3 with Einstein


With the repairs to Lightning MEC Queen still not completed, RPR Racing will start VLN 3 with a new car that they have named Einstein, another reference to the Carpe Diem drivers’ initials, with a little twist: E=MC2.


23 April 2014

RPR Racing’s legendary black, gold and red livery will not be on the car, sadly; but the team’s determination to bounce back on track is evident. Thanks to Peter Bonk Motorsport for the help and support. We wouldn’t be in this race without you and it is a perfect example of the supportive and family feel that permeates the VLN series. Long may it last that way. Thanks chaps.


MC is recovering: the bruising to his ribs is fading slowly, allowing easier breathing, although he is still off-games because of the reduced lung capacity, so can’t exercise fully. The other internal bruising and swelling is reducing too; and full X-Rays show that nothing is broken. Full movement has also now returned to his left arm, with a lot of rather painful physio work, so he hopes to he able to race in VLN 3. He must be made of unobtanium or something. Get well, we need you back behind the wheel! Carsten, in sympathy for MC’s injuries, decided that it is the perfect time to have an operation as well, so is undergoing treatment today.


Einar will start to analyse the data from the crash shortly to see what can be gleaned from that; and the laps that preceded it.


See you all on Friday evening T&E at VLN 3!